Tarbert Harbour is set to receive a share of £40.1 million Grant Funding to modernise its historic fish quay for the local and visiting fleets.
The £407,395 awarded to the Harbour in grant funding will go towards refurbishment of the Tarbert Fishing Quay. The total cost of the project is c£543K with the remainder of the cost being met from THA reserves.
The project was among 21 throughout the UK, chosen to receive grant funding through the UK government’s second round of the ‘UK Seafood Infrastructure Scheme’ and managed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), in a drive to modernise and improve infrastructure across the seafood sector, support coastal communities and contribute towards net zero targets.
Roger Godfrey, chairman of the Board of Trustees of Tarbert (Loch Fyne) Harbour Authority said:
“We are delighted our application to refurbish and redevelop the fish quay at Tarbert has been successful.
The refurbished quay will provide for a new replacement Ice Plant, a Davit and winch, improved wash-room facilities, additional racking storage suited for creel storage and larger size storage containers to accommodate fishing gear/nets. It will also include for the replacement of the creel boat berthing wave screen, re-roofing and refurbishment of several fish quay buildings, improved lighting, and the extension of electrical services on the quay.
The work is due to begin in August and should be completed by end of this year”.
Board of Trustees
Tarbert (Loch Fyne) Harbour Authority
July 2023